
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Still Getting the Hang of It...

I am always concerned to maintain both my catholicity and my anglophilia. Sven has helpfully assisted me with both in one fell swoop by publishing the Rulings of the Council of Sven 2005 on Tea and various other important matters.

It seems worthwhile to read, learn, mark, and inwardly digest these thoughtful if desultory recommendations, especially as I will soon be trying to fit in among the Britons. For the record, I've always considered number four to be self-evident:

4) Afternoon Tea Every day at 4pm Greenwich Mean Time, everyone in the world will stop what they are doing and have a nice cup of tea and a sit down. This will fix everything.

With the time change, this works out rather nicely to be elevenses for me.

(I must, however, add that I will be among the first members of the Council for the Decriminalisation of Peanut Butter.(#10))


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