
Friday, April 24, 2009

Not dead yet...

...although you would certainly be pardoned for thinking otherwise!

I am just now in the midst of trying to finish writing up my dissertation, hoping to submit in the summer. This autumn, I'm to begin a new teaching post, so I'm starting to prepare lectures and curriculum. We're getting ready for a transatlantic move. Oh, and did I mention we've just had our second child?

We've just had our second child.

She's Samantha Brigid Danielle; although she was a little over a month premature, she's flourishing and growing and doing well. But it does make for a bit more on the to do list.

So, I assure you, I'll be back some time in the future with witty observations, stentorian pronouncements and the occasional anguished soul searching - or whatever it is I do here, I haven't quite figured it out myself. Keep your bookmarks!

Also - Gower Street may undergo a slight format change, too: there's a possibility it might become a team blog. So (as they say): watch this space.

(BTW, I'm also over at Facebook, and I sometimes do something like blogging within the parameters of their format - so if you use Facebook as well, look me up!)

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Blogger Bird On A Line said...


Where did you get a teaching position? Is there hope for Huz finding one???

Friday, April 24, 2009 8:34:00 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Thanks -

Yes, I am confident that Huz will find something, owing to the fact that he is hardworking and brilliant (as opposed to shiftless and modestly well-connected, like yours truly).

Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:01:00 PM  
Blogger Crimson Rambler said...

I don't know, Jason, shiftless and well-connected has always worked for me!!!
and thank you for the laugh, they are few and far between today.

Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:51:00 PM  
Blogger Carson T Clark said...

Hello. Just came across your blog. Really enjoyed the read.

I'm an aspiring clergy-writer who's new to the Anglican tradition, and am trying to find Anglican readers. The title of my blog is "Musings of a Hard-Lining Moderate: The assorted thoughts of an evangelical Anglican."

Right now I'm doing a series on the doctrine of Scripture, which was prompted by the crisis in the global communion. Also recently wrote a post on the value of the christian calendar.

Don't know if you'd be interested, but here's the link: http://bit.ly/dXh2qd

Have a great day.

Grace & Peace,


Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:17:00 AM  

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