
Thursday, February 01, 2007

RIP Molly Ivins

Molly Ivins, a left-of-center op-ed author died on Wednesday after a long bout with breast cancer. (An obit in the New York Times is here, but I'm not sure how long you can access it.) She was known for her no-nonsense writing and her common sense. In her latter years, she was particularly known for her Texan's take on President George W. Bush, whom she christened 'Shrub'. Once described as a "modern Mark Twain", she always infused her social and political commentary with humor.

The same president who was the butt of so much of her critique and humor noted with grace her passing, saying, '"Molly Ivins was a Texas original. ... I respected her convictions, her passionate belief in the power of words and her ability to turn a phrase. She fought her illness with that same passion. Her quick wit and commitment to her beliefs will be missed," the president said in a statement.' [quoted from the Reuters story linked above.]

I always found Molly good for a snarky laugh and generally found something in her writing to ruminate on, too. I always thought she was one of the best things to come out of Texas. She will certainly be missed.

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